Exhibitors are considered registered upon receipt of a signed contract and valid payment.
Registered exhibitors are entitled to the following:
Standard display/exhibit space at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Atlanta at Centennial Olympic Park as purchased for use during the stated exhibit period.
- Virtual exhibit space at www.npaconference.org/2025exhibitors
One set of conference materials (electronic or paper) per booth
A Note about Shipping and Receiving Packages:
Packages shipped by exhibitors will be received by the Embassy Suites by Hilton Atlanta at Centennial Olympic Park.
NPA and your organization (May)
c/o Embassy Suites
267 Marietta Street
Atlanta, GA 30313
The hotel will charge the National Perinatal Association for all packages received.
Vendors and Exhibitors will then be billed by NPA for their fees as described below:
Boxes up to 36" x 24" x 24" $10.00 per box
Larger boxes / display cases $20.00 per box / display case
Pallets $200.00 per pallet
Exhibitors will be invoiced by NPA after all packages have been received.
Invoices will be sent before June 1, 2025. Invoices must be paid by July 1, 2025.
Each package should arrive no earlier than (5) five days before the Arrival Date (i.e. no earlier than May 9).
NPA shall have no liability for the delivery, security, or condition of the packages.

Questions or Assistance? Contact Kristy Love at klove@nationalperinatal.org
In order to promote community health, accommodate participants' needs, and promote participation we are hosting NPA's 2025 conference as an in-person meeting with both virtual and on-site exhibitor spaces. Whether you exhibit in-person or virtually you pay the same exhibitor fee.
NOTE: Your conference exhibitor registration does not guarantee that you will be able to exhibit at an in-person meeting.
If we are unable to meet for an in-person conference due to public health mandates, the conference will not be canceled. It will be convened as a virtual event.
If the affected virtual event is terminated due to a Force Majeure occurrence, then NPA will reschedule the affected event and your exhibitor fee will be applied to the rescheduled conference.
If you plan to attend the in-person conference but present with signs or symptoms of respiratory illness upon arrival at the meeting you will be asked to attend virtually and will not be admitted to shared exhibiting or learning spaces.
Exhibitors are responsible for reading and adhering to these guidelines.
The National Perinatal Association (NPA) may prohibit any prospective participant or exhibitor from registering for or participating in our conference at NPA's sole discretion.
NPA does not provide, share, sell, or rent members' or participants' contact information - including email addresses - to exhibitors, sponsors, partners, or anyone outside the NPA organization. Conference participants may opt in to share their contact information. All conference participants will be given the contact information for all exhibitors.
NPA will not collect participants' contact information for you. However, you may direct visitors to your site for the purposes of collecting participants' contact information there.
In-Person Exhibit Space:
Booth assignments are ordinarily made two weeks before, please be sure to let us know if you have special request.
Exhibitors shall not have portion of the display extend beyond the boundaries of their booth or block the view of other exhibitors.
Exhibitors may take orders and complete sales only for products or categories of products they have previously listed on the Exhibitor Registration Form.
Virtual Exhibit Space:
The Exhibit Manager will curate exhibitors' content online at the url https://www.npaconference.org/2025exhibitors
Exhibitors are asked to provide:
Logo (.png), tagline, and brief mission or vision statement for you organization.
Name, likenesses, and contact information for booth attendants.
Scheduled times when attendants will be available to interact in real time with conference participants.
Screenshot of and url (web address) for the website you want to direct to.
Up to 5 PDFs of printed materials you want to make available for download. Please share links to PDFs if they are hosted online on your site.
Please submit these materials to egoyer@nationalperinatal.org and klove@nationalperinatal.org by May 3, 2025. We can not guarantee that materials sent after May 3, 2025 will be posted on NPA's site before May 14 , 2025.
In-Person and Virtual:
If an exhibitor cancels a confirmed exhibit space in writing prior to March 1, 2025, a refund will be issued minus a 25% processing fee.
If an exhibitor cancels a confirmed exhibit space in writing after March 1, 2025 no refunds will be given.
Cancellation requests must be made in writing and confirmed by email with Kristy Love at klove@nationalperinatal.org.
In-Person Exhibit Space:
The exhibitor shall be fully responsible to pay and all damages to property owned by the hotel and its owners or managers which results from any act or omission of exhibitor.
Virtual Exhibit Space:
The exhibitor shall be fully responsible for providing NPA with content and materials for the virtual exhibit space and for maintaining the urls (web addresses and pages) that conference participants are directed to. If a link is broken or misdirected, NPA will update the link with the information you provide us. Email NPA Director of Communication, Erika Goyer at egoyer@nationalperinatal.org
It is the exhibitor’s sole responsibility to obtain business interruption insurance coverage on all exhibit material, equipment, or apparatus introduced into the conference location premises; to have comprehensive general liability and property damage insurance protecting against any liability which may accrue by reason of alleged wrongful or negligent conduct of the exhibitor in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence; to have Workman’s Compensation insurance meeting statutory limits or insurance required by similar employee benefit acts as well as insurance having a minimum per occurrence limit of at least $100,000 against all claims, which may be brought for personal injury or death of exhibitor’s employees.
All such coverage is to include contractual liability.
NPA can accept no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, any of the said materials or displays, and the risk of all such loss shall be on the exhibitors.
In-Person Exhibit Space:
Although staff will be provided as necessary during hours when the exhibit area is set - but closed and unsupervised by conference personnel - it is the individual exhibitor’s responsibility to safeguard equipment and material from the time it is brought in to the facility until it has been removed.
It is also the exhibitor’s responsibility to remove any dangerous materials from their displays when their staff is not there to supervise its use and to provide and use their own proper hazardous waste disposal system.
Virtual Exhibit Space:
The NPA conference website and virtual exhibit space are designed, curated, maintained, and updated by the NPA site administrators. No other parties or individuals can alter or edit the site's content.
For assistance email Erika Goyer at egoyer@nationalperinatal.org
Conference Management may cancel the conference or exhibition for any reason.
NPA, the conference facility and official service contractors (hereafter all referred to as ‘Conference Management’) shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the exhibitor except for an exhibit fee refund issued in an amount deemed consistent with the expenditures and commitments already made.
Any space not occupied by noon on May 14, 2025 will be forfeited by the exhibitor, and may be resold, reassigned, or used by Conference Management without refund of rental price, unless arrangements for delayed occupancy have received prior written approval by Conference Management.
All booth equipment must be in position before the exhibit hall opens and must remain in position and staffed during the activities scheduled in the exhibit area. Booths may not be broken down prior to the scheduled time.
Please submit these materials to egoyer@nationalperinatal.org and klove@nationalperinatal.org by May 3, 2025. We can not guarantee that materials sent after May 3, 2025 will be posted on NPA's site before May 14, 2025.
​In-Person Exhibit Space:
Circulars, advertising materials, brochures may be distributed and patronage solicited only within the space assigned to the exhibitor presenting the materials. Double-wide booths are priced at double the booth fee.
Floor displays are allowable as long as they do not extend beyond the booth space.
Exhibitors are prohibited from using amplifying equipment of any nature without permission from Conference Management, and, if permission is granted, the use of such equipment must not interfere with adjacent exhibits or other activities in the exhibit hall.
Nothing will be used within the exhibit hall that will injure, mar, or in any manner deface any surface of the hall or any equipment contained herein.
No music may be played at an exhibitor’s booth without prior notice to and approval by Conference Management.
Virtual Exhibit and Meeting Spaces:
Exhibitors are restricted from directing conference participants to third party websites with the exception of payment management systems.
Exhibitors are forbidden to link conference participants to third party advertisers.
While exhibitors are invited to attend conference learning sessions, they are prohibited from promoting or endorsing products and services in the in-person or virtual learning space, including chat functions.
Exhibitors may not direct message or text conference participants without the participant's expressed permission.
Exhibitors may not collect contact information or capture conference speakers' or participants' images or likenesses without prior expressed written consent.
Exhibitors are prohibited from making audio or visual recordings of the conference in any medium—and may not distribute audio or visual recordings of the conference (via social media or any other means). Only NPA or its representatives may do so, after informing conference participants to giving them an opportunity to opt out.
All materials used in the exhibit hall MUST be nonflammable.
The exhibitor agrees to accept full responsibility for the compliance with city regulations in the provision and maintenance of adequate safety devices and conditions for the operation of machinery and equipment under city codes.
It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to check with the official exhibit service contractor (Embassy Suites at Centennial Olympic Park - Events) to be certain their exhibit and accompanying equipment can be moved into the designated exhibit area and conforms to safety and fire regulations.
Any and all services needed from the service contractor or facility over and above those provided as standard are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
Direct sales will be permitted at the in-person meeting. Direct sales are not permitted on the conference website, www.napaconference.org and will not be supported or facilitated.
All goods, advertised items, and services must be those provided during the exhibitor’s regular course of business and listed in the appropriate place on the application for space.
California Dept. of Revenue may require the collection of sales tax for all direct sales by both in-state and out-of-state companies. Filing the proper forms and complying with the regulation are the direct responsibilities of the exhibitor. Applicable sales tax is the responsibility of the exhibitor directly.
NPA reserves the right to deny participation to anyone who engages in or is reputed to engage in unethical or non-compliant business practices.
Any point requiring a decision relative to the exhibits, if not specifically covered in writing, is subject to determination by Conference Management.
Conference Management will have sole authority to interpret and enforce all rules and regulations, contained herein, to make any amendments thereto, and to make such further rules and regulations as shall be necessary for the orderly conduct of the conference.
All such amendments and future rules and regulations will be made available to exhibitor.
Exhibitors will comply with:
these terms and conditions
rules and regulations of the Conference Management
city, state, or federal regulations governing this exhibition
hazardous waste guidelines and regulations
labor union guidelines and regulations
Healthcare Convention & Exhibitors Association (HCEA) guidelines and regulations
Exposition Service Contractors Association (ESCA) guidelines and regulations